var units1 = new Array( new question("Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?","The first people to live in Canada","The first European settlers to arrive in Canada","The descendents of the first immigrants to Canada","The first settlers of Newfoundland"), new question("What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?","First Nations, Métis and Inuit","Acadians, Metis and Inuit","United Empire Loyalists, Métis and Inuit","Inuit, Metis and Acadians"), new question("From whom are the Metis descended?","The descendents of marriages between early French and English traders and First Nations women","The descendants of marriages between early English settlers and First Nations women","The descendents of marriages between Inuit and other Aboriginal peoples","The descendents of early French settlers and First Nations women"), new question("Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half of the population in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut?","Inuit","Acadians","Metis","First Nations"), new question("Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working towards self-government?","They are trying to regain control over decisions that affect them and manage their own affairs","In order to secede from Canada","So they can form more provinces","To obtain better representation in parliament"), new question("Where did the first European settlers in Canada come from?","France","Germany","England","Italy"), new question("What three industries helped early settlers build communities in the Atlantic region?","Farming, fishing and shipbuilding","Fishing, forestry and mining","Mining, farming and forestry","Shipbuilding, mining and forestry"), new question("Who were the United Empire Loyalists?","Settlers who came to Canada from the United States during and after the American Revolution","Aboriginal peoples","Metis","Inuit"), new question("What is a voter information card?","A form that tells you when and where to vote","Tells you who the candidates are in your electoral district","Tells you what province to vote in","A form that lets you know your voting time"), new question("Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections?","Any Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years old","Anyone","A Canadian citizen who is 16 years old","Any man who is at least 18 years old"), new question("Whom do Canadians vote for in a federal election?","A candidate they want to represent them in Parliament","The best speaker running in the election","Someone to become the Premier","All of the candidates in their electoral district"), new question("What do political parties do?","Share ideas about how government should work","Prepare the celebration after the election","Liaise with the provincial governments","Liaise with the Queen"), new question("Which federal political party is in power?","Conservative Party","Green Party","New Democratic Party","Liberal Party"), new question("How are Senators chosen?","They are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General","By the Governor General of Canada","By the Premiers of all provinces","Appointed by the Queen"), new question("What should you do if you do not receive a voter information card telling you when and where to vote?","Call Elections Canada or visit their website","Go to the police station","Call your Member of Parliament","Assume you cannot vote"), new question("After a federal election, which party forms the new government?","The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power","The Queen picks a party to run the government","The Governor General proposes a law for elected officials to become the governing body","The Premiers of each province pick a party to run the government"), new question("When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St Lawrence River?","early 1600s","1200s","1700s","1900s"), new question("Which trade spread across Canada making it important to the economy for over 300 years?","Fur trade","Hudson's Bay trade","Mining trade","Ice trade"), new question("What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?","Waterways","Roads","Railway","Air"), new question("What did the government do to make immigration to western Canada much easier?","Built a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific Coast","Built the Trans Canada Highway","Built the St Lawrence Seaway","Offered cheap land") ); var units2 = new Array( new question("When did the British North America Act come into effect?","1867","1871","1898","1905"), new question("Why is the British North America Act important in Canadian history?","It made confederation official","It was drafted by the British","The Metis signed the act","It was agreed to by the Inuit"), new question("Which four provinces first formed the Confederation?","Ontario, Quebec Nova Scotia and New Brunswick","Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland","Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Alberta","Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia"), new question("Which was the last province to join Canada?","Newfoundland","Alberta","Saskatchewan","British Columbia"), new question("When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate?","We celebrate the anniversary of Confederation July 1st of each year","June 15 of each year to celebrate the anniversary of Confederation","August 8th of each year to celebrate the joining of British Columbia to Confederation","May 21st of each year to remember Queen Victoria"), new question("Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?","Sir John A Macdonald","Louis Riel","Lester B Pearson","Abraham Lincoln"), new question("Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history?","It allows Canada to change the Constitution without asking approval of the British Government","It allows Canadians more freedoms","It changed the immigration laws","The Queen became more involved in Canadian Government"), new question("What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?","The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms","The British Charter of Rights and Freedoms","The Canadian Charter of Rights","The Canadian Charter of Freedoms"), new question("When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?","1982","1867","1905","1878"), new question("Name two fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms","Freedom of religion and freedom of speech","Equality rights and to care for Canada's heritage","Basic freedoms and obey laws","Aboriginal peoples' rights and to volunteer"), new question("Name three legal rights protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms","Right to live and work anywhere in Canada, right to a fair trial, and right to protection against discrimination","Freedom of speech, right to not pay taxes, and right to a fair trial","Right to ski anywhere in Canada, right to move, and right to public assembly","Right to vote, right to live and work anywhere in Canada, and right to deliver speeches on the radio"), new question("List three ways in which you can protect the environment","Compost and recycle, conserve energy and water, walk or join a car pool","Work near where you live, drive to work, take a taxi","Use unleaded gas, drive a small car, travel by yourself","Pour solvents down storm drains, leave taps running, leave lights on"), new question("Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport?","Canadian citizens","Landed immigrants","Visitors","British subjects"), new question("What does equality under the law mean?","Being treated with equal dignity and respect, and having equal rights to speak out and express ideas","Being the same","Being like everyone else","Being discriminated against"), new question("Name six responsibilities of citizenship","Vote, help others, care for our heritage and environment, obey Canada's laws, respect the rights of others, eliminate injustice","Get a job, make money, raise a family, pay taxes, mow your lawn, vote","Vote, join a political party, get a job, obey the law, drive safely, pick up litter","Care for the environment, don't litter, pay taxes, obey the law, help others, respect others"), new question("Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community","Join a community group","Mind your own business","Have a party","Keep your property tidy"), new question("What is Canada's system of government called?","Parliamentary government","Dictatorship","Military Rule","Communism"), new question("List four rights Canadian citizens have","Right to be educated in either official language, vote, apply for a Canadian passport, enter and leave Canada freely","Right to have a job, vote, drive, go to school","Right to go to school, work, have a bank account, travel","Right to travel, live anywhere, work anywhere, get married"), new question("What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?","Pledge allegiance to the Queen, observe the laws of Canada and fulfill the duties of a Canadian","Pledge to be faithful to the Queen","Promise to observe the laws of Canada","Fulfill duties as a Canadian citizen"), new question("What are the two official languages of Canada?","English and French","English and Metis","Inuit and French","English and Inuit") ); var units3 = new Array( new question("What song is Canada's national anthem?","O Canada","God Save the Queen","Star Spangled Banner","Amazing Grace"), new question("What are the first two lines of Canada's national anthem?","O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command","O Canada! Our province and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command","O Canada! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee","O Canada! We stand on guard for thee"), new question("From where does the name 'Canada' come?","From 'kanata', the Huron-Iroquois word for village","From the Inuit word meaning country","From the French word meaning joining","From the Metis word meaning rivers"), new question("Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?","The beaver","The moose","The hawk","The deer"), new question("What is the tower in the centre of the Parliament buildings called?","Peace Tower","The Tower","Peace Centre","Flag Tower"), new question("What is the population of Canada?","About 31 million","About 20 million","38 million","17 million"), new question("What three oceans border Canada?","Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific","Atlantic, Arctic and Bering","Pacific, Indian and Atlantic","Hudson, Pacific and Atlantic"), new question("What is the capital city of Canada?","Ottawa","Toronto","Montreal","Hull"), new question("What are the provinces of Central Canada and their capital cities?","Ontario (Toronto) and Quebec (Quebec City)","Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto)","Quebec (Quebec City) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown)","Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba Winnipeg)"), new question("What are the provinces of the Atlantic region and their capital cities?","Newfoundland (St John's), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown)","Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredricton), Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown) and Quebec (Quebec)","Newfoundland (St John's), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Quebec (Quebec)","Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Frederiction), Quebec (Quebec City)and Ontario (Toronto)"), new question("What are the Prairie provinces and their capital cities?","Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg)","Alberta (Edmonton) and Saskatachewan (Regina)","Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg)","Saskatchewan (Regina), Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto)"), new question("What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital cities?","Yukon Territory (Whitehorse), Northwest Territories (Yellowknife), and Nunavut (Iqaluit)","Alaska (Juneau) and Yukon Territory ( Whitehorse)","Northwest Territories (Yellowknife) and Alaska (Juneau)","Northwest Territories (Yellowknife)"), new question("Name the five regions of Canada","Atlantic, Central, Prairie, West Coast and North","Midwest, North, South, East, Central","Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec, Prairies and British Columbia","West, Central, East, Prairies and Territories"), new question("Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?","Northern Canada","Central Canada","Prairies","Atlantic Canada"), new question("Where do more than half of the people in Canada live?","Central Canada","Prairies","Atlantic Canada","Northern Canada"), new question("One third of all Canadians live in which province?","Ontario","Quebec","Northwest Territories","Manitoba"), new question("Where are the Canadian Rockies?","On the border between British Columbia and Alberta","Coastal British Columbia","Alberta","Quebec"), new question("Where are the Great Lakes?","Between Canada and the United States","Manitoba","Northern Quebec","Atlantic Canada"), new question("Which mountain range is on the border between Alberta and British Columbia?","Rocky Mountains","Coastal Range","Columbia Mountains","Laurentian Mountains"), new question("Where are the Parliament Buildings located?","Ottawa","Quebec City","Hull","Toronto") ); var units4 = new Array( new question("Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?","Central Canada","Atlantic provinces","Prairie provinces","West Coast"), new question("Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?","Prairie provinces","British Columbia","Ontario","Manitoba"), new question("Who is Canada's Head of State?","Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II","Governor General of Canada","Prime Minister","Lieutenant Governor"), new question("Who is the Queen's representative in Canada?","Governor General of Canada","Prime Minister of Canada","Premier","Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II"), new question("When does an election have to be held according to the Constitution?","Within 5 years of the last election","About every 4 years","Whenever the Prime Minister calls the election","When the MP's want a new Prime Minister"), new question("What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces?","Lieutenant-Governor","Premier","Member of the Legislative Assembly","Senator"), new question("What are the three parts of Parliament?","The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate","The Queen, Governor General and Prime Minister","The House of Commons, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate","The Queen, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate"), new question("What do you call a law before it is passed?","A Bill","A New law","A Proposed law","A New proposal"), new question("How are Members of Parliament chosen?","Elected by Canadian citizens","Appointed by the Prime Minister","Appointed by the Queen","Elected by the Provincial Ministers"), new question("Who do Members of Parliament represent?","Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district","All of the Canadians living in the north","Only Canadians living in Central Canada","Canadians living in the province in which he/she was elected"), new question("How does a bill become a law?","Approval by a majority in the House of Commons and Senate and finally the Governor General","The Lieutenant Governor must approve the bill","The Queen must sign the bill","Approval by the Members of the Legislative Assembly"), new question("What are the three levels of government in Canada?","Federal, Provincial/Territorial, Municipal or Local","Federal, Provincial and City","Federal, Territorial and Provincial","Federal, State and Local"), new question("Name two responsibilities of the federal government","National defence and foreign policy","National defence and firefighting","Citizenship and highways","Recycling and education"), new question("Name two responsibilities of municipal (or local) governments","Snow removal and recycling","Recycling and education","Taxation and firefighting","Parks and highways"), new question("What is the government of all of Canada called?","Federal","National assembly","Legislature","Council"), new question("How many electoral districts are there in Canada?","308","20","178","59"), new question("Who has the right to vote in federal elections?","A Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and on voters list","A Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and must work for the federal government","A landed immigrant, 18 years old and a member of the Canadian Forces","A Canadian citizen, over 25 years and a member of the Canadian Forces"), new question("What three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?","Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and on the list of electors","Canadian citizen, 21 years or older, and on the list of electors","Living outside of Canada for less than 5 years, Canadian and 21 years old","Working for the federal government, Canadian forces or other organization, 21 years, and Canadian"), new question("What is written on a federal election ballot?","The names of the candidates in your electoral district in alphabetical order from 'A' to 'Z'","The list of candidates running for Prime Minister","The list of Canadians eligible to vote","The results of the election"), new question("What is the name of the Prime Minister of Canada and his/her party?","Stephen Harper (Conservative Party)","Stephane Dion (Liberal Party)","Jack Layton (New Democratic Party)","Gordon Campbell (Liberal Party)") ); var units5 = new Array( new question("Name two responsibilities of a provincial or territorial government","Education and health care","National defence and highways","Policing and firefighting","Policing and citizenship"), new question("What does Confederation mean?","Joining of provinces to make a new country","The United States Confederate soldiers came to Canada","Joining of communities to become a province","Joining of suburbs to form a large city"), new question("What is the Canadian Constitution?","A system of laws and conventions by which our country governs itself","The laws that govern the provinces","The laws that formed the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories","Municipal or local laws"), new question("What year was Confederation?","1867","1871","1898","1870"), new question("Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada","In the Parliament of Canada","In schools","In the workplace","At City Hall"), new question("Where do most French-speaking Canadians live?","Quebec","Ontario","Nova Scotia","Prince Edward Island"), new question("Which province is the only officially bilingual province?","New Brunswick","Quebec","Ontario","Prince Edward Island"), new question("What country is Canada's largest trading partner?","United States of America","Mexico","China","Japan"), new question("What does the Canadian flag look like?","White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the centre","Red and white with provincial emblems","Red and white with a beaver","Red with a white maple leaf"), new question("Which country borders Canada on the south?","United States of America","Central America","Mexico","Washington"), new question("Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?","Prince Edward Island","Nova Scotia","Yukon Territory","Newfoundland and Labrador"), new question("What is a major river in Quebec?","St Lawrence River","Fraser River","Niagara","Hudson's Bay"), new question("In what industry do most Canadians work?","Service","Natural resources","Tourism","Manufacturing"), new question("What are the three main types of industry in Canada?","Natural resources, manufacturing and services","Natural resources, tourism and service industries","Tourism, services and manufacturing","Natural resources, tourism and manufacturing"), new question("What do you mark on a federal election ballot?","An 'X'","The candidate's name","The number for the candidate","The voter's name"), new question("How is the government formed after a federal election?","The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister","The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power The Queen chooses the Prime Minister from this party","The Governor General picks a party and a Prime Minister to run the government","Each province elects one representative to form the government The Queen then chooses the Prime Minister"), new question("How is the Prime Minister chosen?","The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister","The Queen appoints the Prime Minister","The Governor General with the Senate appoint the Prime Minister","The MP's vote on the Prime Minister"), new question("Which party becomes the Official Opposition?","The party with the second most MP's","The party receiving the least votes","Any independent candidate","The party the Prime Minister selects"), new question("What is the role of the Opposition parties?","To oppose or try to improve government proposals","To assist the Prime Minister","To sign bills","To put forward bills to be passed"), new question("Which party is the Official Opposition at the federal level?","The Liberal Party","The New Democratic Party","The Independent Party","The Conservative Party") );